Thursday, 20 February 2014

19 Tips To Running Faster!

19 Tips To Running Faster!

The great thing with running, unlike many other sports, is that it's very simple to objectively measure progress. How are you progressing? Or have you got yourself into a rut? We may not all be destined to become elite runners, but most of us feel pretty psyched when we see even small improvements. The older I get the more I look to small improvements for my motivation.

The following check list may help you pinpoint areas of nutrition, training, motivation, injury prevention, or equipment to address that will help boost you to the next level.

1.Fuel right before runs - have a low fat meal or snack containing low glycemic index carbohydrates 1-3 hours before your run. I personally like oatmeal mixed with Cheerios before my morning run.

2.Core strengthening - Pilates, yoga or simply core strengthening weight workouts. Personalized programs help to strengthen core and major muscle groups important to running, as well as lengthen out tight areas. A more fluid moving, stronger, less injury prone body is the result.

3.Cross-train - even the worlds' fastest female marathoner-Paula Radcliffe-does some of her sessions on a Nordic track (a machine which mimics cross-country skiing). Water running and cycling are also useful to maintain cardiovascular fitness without the constant impact and injury risk. I finally bought a bike a month ago and I love it!

4.Refine your running technique - Your podiatrist or physical therapist can help you with gait analysis. Improving technique can not only make you a better runner, but you may feel less soreness and reduced injuries.

5.Aim to be a healthy weight - a BMI (body mass index) of 20-25 gives us a rough indicator. Running becomes more difficult when we gain weight, conversely, becoming underweight may negatively affect performance and health. I can admit that I actually have gained weight and became faster!

6.Increase your stress gradually - the general rule of thumb is to increase your mileage no more than 10% weekly. This gives the body time to adapt to increased stress and improve while decreasing injury risks.

7.Wear appropriate shoes - that are comfortable and functional for your foot type; and above all learn to recognize when they are past their use-by-date to help avoid injury. Five hundred miles or 6 months are the expiration dates on running shoes!

8. Start runs hydrated - and carry sports drink or gels on runs that are longer than 60-90 mins. Losing even 2% of our body weight through sweat can affect performance. Providing carbohydrate and electrolytes during longer races, will also be a huge benefit to your final time. Weigh yourself before and after a run. Make sure you replace your fluids!

9. Run with a group - if you find it difficult to stay motivated, running with a group, or a running peep can give you a time and place to be consistent with your running.

10. Get in the zone - Load your mp3 with music that uplifts you. Buy run gear you feel great and comfortable in, or map out new run routes to stay inspired. Mix it up!

11. Find a great massage therapist - regular massage improves mobility and flexibility of the muscles, increases blood flow, and relaxes the muscle. All this means recovery from a hard session or race (normally 48-72 hrs) can be reduced by up to 50%! A good massage therapist can also pinpoint problem tight areas before they become injuries. I love mine although I scream when she hits my sore spots!

12. Learn to run faster - do 1-2 runs every week that challenge your pace. This may be an anaerobic threshold run where you hold a faster pace for eg 20mins during your normal run. Other options are hill fartlek sessions-where you run an undulating loop, pushing hard on the uphills-or interval sessions - where a shorter distance is run hard, with a few minutes of jogging between eg 5-6 x 1 mile or 6-8 x 800m.

13. Find a mentor or supporter - this may be someone you admire as a runner, or who makes you feel enthusiastic about your running goals. It may be your coach, partner, or another runner who you catch up with regularly to talk running and how it effects your life.

14. Set goals with training and racing and follow a program. Like anything in life, we are more likely to be successful with a clear vision and tactics.

15. Eat right after runs - consume a meal or snack containing 1-2g carbohydrate/kg of body weight and some protein immediately after runs longer than an hour. I personally drink an Ensure or protein shake as soon as i stop sweating! Glycogen (the muscles main energy source for running) is replaced much faster in this period immediately post training.

16. Utilize and learn to love ice-baths - or cool water soaks, especially after long or hard runs. The effect on recovery is amazing.

17. Race - there's nothing like a race situation to push you to the next level, while also giving you a sense of accomplishment. It's amazing how the legs find another gear to train at as well!

18. Learn to train easy - we are not invincible, and do not become great by running hard every day. In fact injury and chronic fatigue is the more likely outcome! Recovery runs or easy days are crucial to gain the benefits from our harder runs. Do a daily check...are you fatigued when you wake up? That's a day to pull out your bike or run easier.

19. Enlist specialists - get professional advice when needed from qualified and respected Sports Podiatrists, Nutritionists, Physical Therapists, Sports Physicians, Chiropractors, Exercise Physiologists, Coaches, and even Sports Psychologists!

We are unique individuals, and one formula will not be right for everyone. It takes time to figure out what works best for us, but the important thing is that you learn from experience, and enjoy the process of becoming a better, stronger runner.

Web Knee Brace - Support A Torn ACL - Knee Bracing Special Report

Web Knee Brace - Support A Torn ACL - Knee Bracing Special Report

Do you need support for a torn ACL?

At the Conclusion :

At the conclusion of this article we will discuss where to get a well designed knee support, but first we need to cover the basics of knee support for you.

Your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is extremely helpful in providing support to your knee joint. Plain and simple. When an injury to the ACL occurs, people will often say things like "I feel like my knee will give out on me". Perhaps you have heard of the phrase for an unstable knee as well, it is otherwise known as a "trick knee".

There are a few different ways in which you can have injured your anterior cruciate ligament. Here is a list of possible ways you could have hurt yourself - Maybe you can relate?

1.) Impact Injury : You could have had an impact injury while playing sports, when someone hit you head on, or from the side. That is a terrible thought to imagine, but it does happen unfortunately.

2.) Self Sustained Injury : Its almost like adding insult to injury when you tear your ACL without some help from someone else, but it is very possible. For example, if you plant your foot and twist, and you are moving at a reasonable speed, this can be all it takes to hurt your knee in many different ways. - Many times individuals will indicate that they noticed a "popping" noise when the ligament is injured.

3.) Miscellaneous Injury Types : People have told us that they have slipped off a curb and tore their ACL. To be truthful, this is more likely if a peron is overweight, due to the fact that you are asking your body to do more work with the added lbs.

These are just three examples of how you can hurt yourself. - We wish it never would have happened to you, but when it does it is time to take your knee stability seriously. (You should never neglect seeing your physician when you hurt your knee of course....)

Surgery is sometimes unavoidable. It has its place. It can help give you back some function in your knee after such an injury has occurred. The down side of surgery is that it is usually costly and you will be required to rest your knee for quite some time. Our question to you is : how many times have you heard of an athlete having "season ending surgery"? The point is, you should weigh the pros and cons of surgery very carefully.

Knee braces are a very useful way to help treat your knee conservatively. The meaningful support that they can provide can really help you feel much more secure; whether you play sports or not. Not only will they help your knee feel more secure, but they can help your wallet feel more secure when you realize that the cost of a brace can be a fraction of a surgical procedure would be... When you are allowed to take this as a conservative route for treatment (per your physician), then an ACL knee brace definitely has its place and should not be overlooked!

Warm-ups And Stretches - Safety Precautions Before Any Physical Activities

Warm-ups And Stretches - Safety Precautions Before Any Physical Activities

People tend to attribute more importance to the actual fitness routine they embark on and pay less attention to the warm-ups that take place before they exercise. In actual fact, warm-ups are just as important. There are safety reasons why an individual should do warm-ups.

Warm-ups are done to stretch your muscles and lubricate your joints. In doing this it is made possible to avoid injury and also discomfort and muscle soreness. However, if you over do your exercise routine you can still become sore the morning after. However, doing warm-ups are not a guarantee that you will be free from discomfort. It helps in reducing the chances of sprains while helping your body adjust to the demands from your exercise.

As you exercise your internal temperature will rise. Warm ups allow your body temperature to increase slowly as raising your temperature too quickly will make you giddy and you might lose consciousness. To ensure that you have a complete workout, it is important to get your muscles warmed up.

Warm-ups are done to ease your body into the exercise routine. Thus, you are warming up your body. This is very similar to cooking in an oven. Using the analogy of warming up the oven before baking a cake, the same mindset applies to workouts: Warm up your muscles before working out. By raising your body temperature slowly, it allows an opportunity for muscles to expand and there is an increase in blood flow to muscles, reducing discomfort the next day.

Warm-ups help to up your metabolic rate and your heart rate, while benefiting your respiratory system's ability. In doing this your body is able to better adjust to the workout you are preparing for. Your joints will also become well lubricated to avoid possible injury during a vigorous exercise routine.

It really is not important the individual sport or reason for your exercising, it is important for all activities to maintain proper care of your muscles, joints and cardiovascular system. This way, you can be sure that you will hit your peak performance with less risk of injury or sprains.

Warm-ups should not be done at a fast rate. They are done in order to slowly prepare your body for a more vigorous workout. A session lasting approximately 15 minutes is adequate. Begin with some stretches of the muscles that you will be using. If you intend on running, you should start of by walking and then change to a jog and finally begin your running. Slowly ease yourself into the harder workout.

Should you be playing a sport with the aim of burning calories, you can choose to do the same activity as a warm-up, only at a much lower pace.

For example, when playing tennis you know you be swinging your arms quickly while you are running. A warm-up activity for such exercises can include stretches for your limbs, back and shoulders.

It is a good idea to walk and swing your arms as if you are playing the game. This will help to lubricate the joints in your shoulders and prevent unnecessary injuries to yourself. By doing this, you will see that your flexibility has improved and the range of actions is wider.

Treatment of an Ankle Sprain

Treatment of an Ankle Sprain

How is an ankle sprain diagnosed? First your doctor will get a complete history of the injury in detail. For example he will ask you when and how the ankle sprain occurred and ask about any prior injuries. Next, your doctor will examine your foot, ankle, and lower leg and even your knee to see if additional injury occurred. He or she may ask you to move your foot up and down and to take a few steps if possible. Your doctor will then carefully try moving your foot and ankle to see if the ligaments are intact. You will need X-rays to evaluate the ankle. X-rays can help find out whether you have any ligament tears, broken bones, or bones that have moved out of their normal positions. X-rays should always be taken for children because of potential injury to the bone's growth plate and possible disruption of normal growth. Sometimes X-rays of both ankles are necessary in order to compare the injured ankle with the one that is healthy.

How is an ankle Sprain treated?

Most ankle sprains need only a period of protection to heal. The healing process takes about four weeks to six weeks.

Early Treatments:

Rest: first 24-48 hours after the injury is considered a critical treatment period and activities need to be curtailed. You may need to use crutches if walking causes pain. Also use of a device to immobilize or splint the ankle (such as a ankle brace or walking boot) may be necessary. ICE: For the first 48 hours post-injury, ice pack and elevate the ankle sprain 20 minutes at a time every 3-4 hours. Do NOT ice a ankle sprain for more than 20 minutes at a time!! You will not be helping heal the ankle sprain any faster, and you can cause damage to the tissues! Compression: Use compression when elevating the ankle sprain in early treatment. Using an Ace bandage, wrap the ankle from the toes all the way up to the top of the calf muscle, overlapping the elastic wrap by one-half of the width of the wrap. The wrap should be snug, but not cutting off circulation to the foot and ankle. So, if your foot becomes cold, blue, or falls asleep, re-wrap! Elevation: Keep your ankle sprain higher than your heart as often as possible

More severe ankle sprain injuries, including complete tears of the ligaments and fractures of the bone may need different treatments and rehabilitation than a simple ankle sprain. Things such as balance exercises, range of motion exercises and ultrasound and electrical stimulation may also be used. Medication Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Motrin) may be used to control pain and inflammation

When is Surgery Needed? In more severe cases or injuries that fail to respond to nonsurgical treatment, surgery may be required to adequately treat an ankle sprain. Surgery often involves repairing the damaged ligament or ligaments. The foot and ankle surgeon will select the surgical procedure best suited for your case based on the type and severity of your injury as well as your activity level.

If an ankle sprain is not recognized, and is not treated with the necessary attention and care, chronic problems of pain and instability may result.

Shoulder Area Tendinitis Aka Supra Spinatus Tendinitis

Shoulder Area Tendinitis Aka Supra Spinatus Tendinitis

The Shoulder, Rotator Cuff, and Tears

The shoulder area is the target for a multiplicity of tendinitis and other problems.
Rotator cuff problems such as strain and tears, labrum (Cartilage), long head of the biceps tendinitis, muscle strains and tears, neuritis, arthritis, narrowing acromial-clavicular joint.

Tendinitis (supra spinatus tendinitis) benefits from in-home physical therapy, special supplementation, and non-muscle building exercises. The book “Cure Yourself of Tendinitis (At Home Now).” Can be of great assistance!

What the book, by Dr. Edward G. Holtman D.C. reveals:

1.Discusses each and every area of the body where tendinitis can occur, and how to locate and treat each area.

2.The all-important role that the body's muscles play in the onset and the treatment of tendinitis.

3.What most physical therapists are doing to hurt or impede your progress with tendinitis!

4.The basic theory, or principals, for treating tendinitis anywhere in the body!

5.The reasons all health professionals have, thus far, failed to deliver lasting results with tendinitis (This should be embarrassing!)

6.Why seniors develop tendinitis.

7.How to treat your tendinitis yourself at home with lasting results and at a low cost.

Severe Tears

Severe tears will probably be best handled surgically. But rotator cuff strain or weakness can be rectified by in-home exercises.

What Causes the Various Shoulder Problems to Erupt?

The causes of tendinitis are most often caused by repetitive movement or over-use of the involved body part. Strains and tears from severe use or injury, neuritis from subluxated (slightly out of place) neck and upper thoracic vertebrae, arthritis from injury, ‘normal' wear and tear, Vitamin D Deficiency, and hormonal imbalance.

Bursitis (inflammation of the sack that holds the joint fluid) may also be caused by: Sudden arm jerks, Karate, Baseball, and cross-country skiing.

What are some activities that can initiate shoulder Tendinitis?

Þ Tennis
Þ Golf
Þ Factory Jobs
Þ Chin-ups/Pull-ups
Þ Weight Lifting
Þ Squash
Þ Rock Climbing/Mountaineering
Þ Mechanic Work (Auto)

And many other everyday activities

What Should Be Avoided (If Possible)

Any activity that is listed above should be avoided or considerably reduced until the tendinitis is nearly well. Avoid most physical therapists because they will “encourage” you to do muscle-work exercises and muscle work is the main cause of most tendinitis. The exception to this rule is, opposing muscle work exercises!

What Can Be Done?

Neuritis: Hands on chiropractic, because the cause is most often in the spine.

Arthritis: Shoulder joint manipulation, calcium and vitamin D Supplementation, heat or cold applications.

Bursitis: Cold pack applications for 10 minutes twice daily. Guided movement (Your chiropractor may help you with this procedure)

More Information and About The Author:

Dr. Edward G. Holtman, D.C. has over 40 years experience in treating chiropractic patients and 10 years experience in the field of tendinitis treatment.

The NEW published book, “Cure Yourself of Tendinitis (At Home Now).” Can be ordered by calling our office.

Office hours are 10:30 A.M.- 10:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday Central Standard Time. Office phone: 262-673-5650.

Running On Dirt Can Save Your Knees

Running On Dirt Can Save Your Knees

Around the 1970's jogging become a very popular past time among people looking for a healthier lifestyle. Since then jogging and running have grown rapidly and just about worldwide. Since then we have learned a lot about this great pastime both good and bad. Running and jogging is a fun exercise and a great way to peel yourself off your couch and get outside. You will become healthier, burn calories, and get the feeling of released endorphins. You can even join running groups, meet new people, or enter a local race. Along with the good does come the bad, running or jogging is hard on your body. The impact from hitting the ground takes its toll on your legs, muscles and knees. It is not uncommon for people to experience shin splints, torn muscles or knee pain after a few years of running. Sometimes you can experience problems a few days after you begin running, it all depends on your body and how much care you put into safety and recovery.

There are a lot of ways you can save yourself from injury, including stretching, keeping your shoes up to date, running on softer surfaces, and icing. The easiest method is running on softer service, it does not require any extra work on your end except for maybe driving to a dirt trail is one isn't available within walking distance from your house. The impact is primarily targeted on your knees and heels and after running miles on concrete and asphalt your body has taken a beating. Although you may feel fine it will eventually break down and lead to some kind of injury. Each step you take puts anywhere from 700 to 1000 pounds of pressure on your knee. By running on dirt instead of concrete you are softening the load per step that your knees absorb. If you run primarily on dirt you are protecting yourself from injury and helping keep your knees stronger and healthier. If dirt trails are not available to you try running on grass. Grass is an excellent material to run on as well, but, you will find it slows you down as well. Besides the fact that is slows you down it is an even better material to run on than dirt and extremely lightens the load your knees absorb. You may think sand would be a good option as well since it seems like it would be easy on the knees, and it is, but you also twist and turn your knees with every step in and out of the sand. That will eventually lead to injuries and should not be a material you run on all the time.

If you can avoid running on asphalt or concrete you will save yourself from a greater risk of injury and be a happier runner. Seek out your local trails and start a healthier running lifestyle.

Knee Pain Relief : The Best Knee Braces For Football - How To Find Yours

Knee Pain Relief : The Best Knee Braces For Football - How To Find Yours

If you love to play football and are a person who is searching for knee support, then we suggest you read on... We can help you find the best knee brace for your knee's needs by providing you with information that most knee brace salesmen do not tell you. Typically, they just want to sell you the most expensive knee brace possible, but we will help you escape that problem.

In this article we will not promote a certain style of knee braces, but instead will present some information so that you can make a more informed decision when you go and buy your knee brace.

It is important to remember that not all positions played in football are the same. (You already know this to be true.) Linemen, for example, will need to protect their knees from future injuries due to their one on one battle throughout the game. Down after down, the constant one on one battle of these gigantic players can unfortunately turn into an ACL, MCL, or meniscus tear.

Running backs, conversely, will need to usually have a more low profile knee brace that will not weigh them down while they play. Nevertheless, the support must be there as well.

The point we would like you to take home is that you should always consider the knee injury level before you consider focusing on the sport of football. It is not that football is not significant; its just that the level of the knee injury is more important.

Mild knee injuries usually only need a simple knee sleeve to help keep the knee warm and to help remind you to avoid movements that might induce further pain. The next level up is that of a knee sleeve with a simple hinge mechanism. This is for a mild (plus) knee injury. These hinges usually have medial and lateral uprights that are existent, but not substantial. These uprights will help prevent some side to side movement that might be detrimental. (These knee braces should cost you less than one hundred dollars.)

Once you have a more moderate to severe knee injury, you will need to consider a knee brace that usually has a well designed hinge and more substantial medial and lateral uprights. These will not only remind you not to make excessive movements that will cause you pain, these uprights will pretty much stop these movements from happening.

A quick rule of thumb; the more severe the knee injury, the larger the knee brace.

Lastly, we would like to save you some serious cash by letting you know that custom knee braces are not always the perfect answer for your knees. Unless you have uncommonly shaped knees, a well deigned non custom knee braces will not only serve you very well. Not only that, they will also save you several hundred dollars over fabled custom knee braces.

This information is your starting point to finding the best possible knee brace. This information alone can help you get a a better knee brace for your knee, while saving you some serious money in the process.

Knee Pain Relief : Basketball Knee Braces, How To Find Yours

Knee Pain Relief : Basketball Knee Braces, How To Find Yours

Is knee pain the one thing that is preventing you from playing basketball the way you want to?

If so, you are not alone. There are a lot of people, both professional athletes and those who play for recreation who are plagued by chronic knee pain. Unfortunately, many people can miss out on the game, or not perform as well as they are capable because of a knee injury. You can still enjoy to play the game though; a well designed basketball knee brace that helps provide the knee support you need can help you get back in the game.

Sports knee braces that are used in basketball can come in a variety of types and prices. There is no such thing as "the one best" basketball knee support. Question : Have you ever gone to look at basketball knee braces at a store or online? You may feel overwhelmed not knowing what is the best kind to buy, or what is going to give you the best support. The reason why there are so many different kinds of basketball knee supports is because there are different levels of knee injuries. The best advice we can give you about "basketball knee braces" is that you should first consider your knee injury level, and then consider the sport of basketball second.

Here some important questions that you can ask yourself to help you figure out what kind of knee brace is going to work best for you.

First, what kind of injury has your knee sustained, and how bad is it? There are many kinds of basketball knee braces that are designed for mild to moderate knee injuries and these are usually knee sleeves or less expensive hinged knee braces. If you have a milder kind of injury you are most likely able to benefit from this kind of brace.

Are you using the knee brace for protection from a knee injury in the future? Usually, these kinds of knee supports have a hinge on either side of the knee as well as medial and lateral uprights that help to control excessive side to side movements that may injury your knee.

Last, but now least,... We would like to let you know about the difference between custom and non-custom knee supports. Often times, people will get mesmerized by the word "custom", thinking that it will be 10 times as effective as a non-custom knee support. Studies indicate that unless you have a knee anatomy that is totally outside the norm, a non-custom knee brace will fit. Not only will it fit, but a well designed non-custom support can be extremely effective, and save you hundreds of dollars in the process!

Once you find the best basketball knee brace you can for playing basketball, you will be amazed at how it can help ease you knee pain and promote stability... Spending a little money on a good basketball knee brace can make a big difference in how you can get back in the game.

Light Therapy For In Home Meniscus Tear Therapy Along With Recuperation

Light Therapy For In Home Meniscus Tear Therapy Along With Recuperation

Thousands of individuals are battling through Meniscus Tears and various other leg injuries associated to accidents and also sports accidental injuries.

Light Therapy is a risk-free and efficient nonsurgical procedure to aid in pain pain relief and rehabilitation of a meniscus tear. Light Therapy has been utilised to help control irritation, and allow muscle tissue tissue along with ligament cellular material to recover more rapidly.

There are several items to think about when deciding exactly how to address your own torn meniscus, which include the magnitude in addition to place of the tear, a person's pain level, your age group and activity levels, your own doctor's choice, and when the injury happened. [Note: Always consult with a medical medical specialist for therapy of a meniscus tear personal injury.]

Meniscus Tears can typically lead to problems and/or inflammation involving the knee joint. Particularly severe accidental injuries (typically in younger, more active patients) could cause to displaced tears which often may result in physical signs and symptoms such as clicking, catching, or locking during activity of your leg joint.

What is Light Therapy?

In uncomplicated terminology, Light Therapy utilize the energy of light, referred to as photon energy. Light is energy that moves in a wave pattern. Light is additionally characterized by its wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. There are usually components in the tissue and blood vessels that will process wavelengths and stimulate normal cellular activity.

Dr. Richard Wurtman, Professor of Endrocrinology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), states that wavelengths of light are generally similar to vitamin products and nutrients, in that human beings demand a extensive spectrum of frequencies for bodily, emotional, and also psychological well-being.

In the past 10 years, the Food and Drug Administration has approved several LED systems for the purposes of boosting local circulation, skin therapies, the decrease of pain, and also for alleviating physical tension along with spasms. Research by NASA, the U.S. Military, the Mayo Clinic, the National Cancer Institute and prominent nationwide and worldwide colleges has confirmed a broad array of effective specialized medical applications for red along with infrared LEDs.

Why use Light Therapy intended for Meniscus Tear Therapy?

Light Therapy, with LEDs, generate risk-free, low-level infrared light, which facilitates temporarily raise muscle tissue cells temperature and raise local blood circulation serving to alleviate discomfort and also loosen up muscles.

LED Light Therapy has been shown in over 40 years of unbiased research global to give potent restorative benefits to living cells along with organisms. Both visible and infrared light have been shown to influence at least 24 different beneficial changes at a cellular level.

For meniscus tear recuperation, rehab, and the treatment of pain Light Therapy delivers a good alternate health treatment that can help in the individuals healing period and be utilised to ease and control soreness without the potentially dangerous side effects of prescription pain drugs.

Clinical reports have shown Light Therapy to increase the speed of treatment damaged cells by 100% to 200%.

Light Sound Therapeutic Technologies offer affordable in home Light Therapy products that will make it possible for people today to very easily use Light Therapy for pain management and as a complimentary treatment that will assist in the bodies natural therapeutic process. Their Light Therapy Kit, the NOVA, has been featured by American Medical Review.

Lawsuit Funding: How Do You Get Them Funded?

Lawsuit Funding: How Do You Get Them Funded?

How wonderful! I've been informed that my case qualifies for lawsuit funding. How does that help me? More significantly, how many of those cases that “qualify” are actually successful in obtaining the settlement loans they seek? Just what does make the difference?

The industry out of which lawsuit funding is spawned is quite intriguing. Since I've been involved with this industry, viewing it through the eyes of both an attorney and healthcare provider, one thing is unmistakably clear - the vast majority of cases that are submitted for pre-settlement loans get denied right out of the starting-gait! To what can this be attributed?

Unequivocally, the vast majority of individuals who seek settlement loans are unable to demonstrate that they've sustained any specific losses/injuries. For those individuals who are unable to demonstrate such losses/injuries, it is extremely unlikely that they will prevail in the underlying lawsuit. It would be virtually impossible for them to succeed in obtaining settlement loans.

Make no mistake about it, it is very easy to file a lawsuit in this era. Contrariwise, it is often very difficult to prevail in the lawsuit once it is filed. Plaintiffs should keep uppermost in their minds the fact that the defendants are going to be viewing the situation, in almost all instances, quite differently than do the plaintiffs. Many plaintiffs find insurance carriers extremely reticent to pay out any money to plaintiffs for alleged injuries/losses. Never forget, those cases that are unlikely to prevail in the underlying litigation have virtually no chance of succeeding in obtaining settlement loans.

If you intend to obtain a pre-settlement loan, remember it's your responsibility to clearly document what it is that you sustained by way of either loss or injury. Failure to do so will doom a case to failure. Therefore, it is prudent to retain competent legal counsel as you navigate these waters.

Many plaintiffs submit applications to Legal Settlement Loans requesting settlement funding as pro se litigants. A fact that is vital for all individuals who seek lawsuit funding is this - without an attorney, it is extremely unlikely that the funding sought will be obtained. Very few funding entities would be willing to advance funds to individuals who have no experience in this arena.

A well-accepted adage in Law is the following: “The attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Rarely, is this not true in the case of attorneys. It is extremely likely to be the case for pro se litigants who are dealing with adverse parties, parties who are willing to do whatever it takes to see to it that the plaintiff does not prevail in the underlying action.

Furthermore, those pursuing lawsuit funding must be prepared to proffer expert witnesses who are both reputable and credible with respect to the issues litigated. It will be necessary to have an individual who can clearly establish the link between the injuries allegedly sustained and the incident involving the plaintiff and the defendant. An example of this is a recent case brought to Legal Settlement Loans. That case involved “toxic mold.” The applicant had obtained an expert's opinion regarding either the existence of toxic mold or the extent of injuries allegedly sustained.

Success in obtaining settlement loan essentially relies on three key components: (1) the plaintiff must retain competent legal counsel; (2) it is wise to only submit claims for lawsuit loans for which injuries are clearly demonstrable; and (3) the plaintiff must be prepared to produce an expert who is both reputable and able to satisfactorily communicate the link between the alleged incident and the injuries arising from that incident. (Such testimony may be obtained either by depositions or written opinions, to name but a few methods.)

The vast majority of funding-entities offer virtually no guidance to those who seek settlement loans. However, litigation funding experts work very closely with their clients to assist them in finding the pre-settlement loans that are most applicable to the cases submitted. Additionally, these litigation funding experts will work closely with clients to assist them in finding the funding-entities that have the financing arrangements that are most desirable for the client's needs. (Additionally, they will assist their clients in obtaining the funding as quickly as possible.)

Plaintiffs are wise to keep in mind that it isn't sufficient merely to have a case that “qualifies” for lawsuit loans. If you want to obtain the litigation financing needed to pursue a lawsuit through to an appropriate conclusion, it will be necessary for you to present a case that is “ripe” for funding.

Knee Pain Relief : The Best Knee Braces For Football - How To Find Yours

Knee Pain Relief : The Best Knee Braces For Football - How To Find Yours

If you love to play football and are a person who is searching for knee support, then we suggest you read on... We can help you find the best knee brace for your knee's needs by providing you with information that most knee brace salesmen do not tell you. Typically, they just want to sell you the most expensive knee brace possible, but we will help you escape that problem.

In this article we will not promote a certain style of knee braces, but instead will present some information so that you can make a more informed decision when you go and buy your knee brace.

It is important to remember that not all positions played in football are the same. (You already know this to be true.) Linemen, for example, will need to protect their knees from future injuries due to their one on one battle throughout the game. Down after down, the constant one on one battle of these gigantic players can unfortunately turn into an ACL, MCL, or meniscus tear.

Running backs, conversely, will need to usually have a more low profile knee brace that will not weigh them down while they play. Nevertheless, the support must be there as well.

The point we would like you to take home is that you should always consider the knee injury level before you consider focusing on the sport of football. It is not that football is not significant; its just that the level of the knee injury is more important.

Mild knee injuries usually only need a simple knee sleeve to help keep the knee warm and to help remind you to avoid movements that might induce further pain. The next level up is that of a knee sleeve with a simple hinge mechanism. This is for a mild (plus) knee injury. These hinges usually have medial and lateral uprights that are existent, but not substantial. These uprights will help prevent some side to side movement that might be detrimental. (These knee braces should cost you less than one hundred dollars.)

Once you have a more moderate to severe knee injury, you will need to consider a knee brace that usually has a well designed hinge and more substantial medial and lateral uprights. These will not only remind you not to make excessive movements that will cause you pain, these uprights will pretty much stop these movements from happening.

A quick rule of thumb; the more severe the knee injury, the larger the knee brace.

Lastly, we would like to save you some serious cash by letting you know that custom knee braces are not always the perfect answer for your knees. Unless you have uncommonly shaped knees, a well deigned non custom knee braces will not only serve you very well. Not only that, they will also save you several hundred dollars over fabled custom knee braces.

This information is your starting point to finding the best possible knee brace. This information alone can help you get a a better knee brace for your knee, while saving you some serious money in the process.

Knee Pain Relief : Basketball Knee Braces, How To Find Yours

Knee Pain Relief : Basketball Knee Braces, How To Find Yours

Is knee pain the one thing that is preventing you from playing basketball the way you want to?

If so, you are not alone. There are a lot of people, both professional athletes and those who play for recreation who are plagued by chronic knee pain. Unfortunately, many people can miss out on the game, or not perform as well as they are capable because of a knee injury. You can still enjoy to play the game though; a well designed basketball knee brace that helps provide the knee support you need can help you get back in the game.

Sports knee braces that are used in basketball can come in a variety of types and prices. There is no such thing as "the one best" basketball knee support. Question : Have you ever gone to look at basketball knee braces at a store or online? You may feel overwhelmed not knowing what is the best kind to buy, or what is going to give you the best support. The reason why there are so many different kinds of basketball knee supports is because there are different levels of knee injuries. The best advice we can give you about "basketball knee braces" is that you should first consider your knee injury level, and then consider the sport of basketball second.

Here some important questions that you can ask yourself to help you figure out what kind of knee brace is going to work best for you.

First, what kind of injury has your knee sustained, and how bad is it? There are many kinds of basketball knee braces that are designed for mild to moderate knee injuries and these are usually knee sleeves or less expensive hinged knee braces. If you have a milder kind of injury you are most likely able to benefit from this kind of brace.

Are you using the knee brace for protection from a knee injury in the future? Usually, these kinds of knee supports have a hinge on either side of the knee as well as medial and lateral uprights that help to control excessive side to side movements that may injury your knee.

Last, but now least,... We would like to let you know about the difference between custom and non-custom knee supports. Often times, people will get mesmerized by the word "custom", thinking that it will be 10 times as effective as a non-custom knee support. Studies indicate that unless you have a knee anatomy that is totally outside the norm, a non-custom knee brace will fit. Not only will it fit, but a well designed non-custom support can be extremely effective, and save you hundreds of dollars in the process!

Once you find the best basketball knee brace you can for playing basketball, you will be amazed at how it can help ease you knee pain and promote stability... Spending a little money on a good basketball knee brace can make a big difference in how you can get back in the game.

Catastrophic Impairment and The Glasgow Coma Scale

Catastrophic Impairment and The Glasgow Coma Scale

The definition of a catastrophic injury or “catastrophic impairment” (under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule -”SABS”) has recently undergone changes.

Catastrophic injuries are those injuries that have serious, long-term physical and emotional impact on the lives of the victim. Traumatic brain injuries and brain impairment are amongst those injuries that commonly fall within the definition. The definition of “Catastrophic Impairment” includes a score of 9 or less on the Glasgow Coma Scale; or a score of 2 or 3 on the Glasgow Outcome Scale.

Glasgow Coma Scale

The Glasgow Coma Scale is a neurological scale used to measure the severity of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). A series of symptoms are outlined and given a numeric score. After adding up the numeric scores of each symptom, the total score is used as an indication of how severe the brain injury is.

Eye Opening / Eye response
No Opening = 1 (most severe)
Eyes Open To Pain = 2
Open in Response To Speech = 3
Eyes Open Spontaneously = 4
Verbal Response
No verbal Response = 1 (most severe)
Response Verbally To Sounds = 2
Response Makes No Sense = 3
Response is Confused = 4
Responds with Conversation = 5
Best Motor Response
Response to Pain Stimulus:
No motor Response = 1 (most severe)
Generalizing (abduction of arm, extension of wrist, decerebrate response) = 2
Arm Extension (adduction of arm, flex-ion of wrist, decorticate response) = 3
Arm Flex-ion (withdraws in response to pain) = 4
Localizes to Pain (purposeful movement toward pain stimuli) = 5
On Command = 6
GCS Total: 3-15
Generally, a brain injury is classified as either Severe, Moderate or Minor.
Less than 8 on GCS = Severe
Between 9-12 on the GCS = Moderate
Greater than 13 (13-15) on the GCS = Minor

Description of Terms

Adduction – is a movement which brings a part of the anatomy closer to the middle sagittal plane of the body. It is opposed to abduction.

Decerebrate – posturing is also called decerebrate response, decerebrate rigidity, or extensor posturing. It describes the involuntary extension of the upper extremities in response to external stimuli. In decerebrate posturing, the head is arched back, the arms are extended by the sides, and the legs are extended. A hallmark of decerebrate posturing is extended elbows. The arms and legs are extended and rotated internally. The person is rigid, with the teeth clenched. The signs can be on just one or the other side of the body or on both sides, and it may be just in the arms and may be intermittent. A person displaying decerebrate posturing in response to pain gets a score of two in the motor section of the Glasgow Coma Scale.

Decorticate – posturing is also called decorticate response, decorticate rigidity, flexor posturing, or, colloquially, mummy baby. Patients with decorticate posturing present with the arms flexed, or bent inward on the chest, the hands are clenched into fists, and the legs extended and feet turned inward. A person displaying decorticate posturing in response to pain gets a score of three in the motor section of the Glasgow Coma Scale.

Abnormal posturing – is an involuntary flexion or extension of the arms and legs, indicating severe brain injury. It occurs when one set of muscles becomes incapacitated while the opposing set is not, and an external stimulus such as pain causes the working set of muscles to contract. The posturing may also occur without a stimulus.Since posturing is an important indicator of the amount of damage that has occurred to the brain, it is used by medical professionals to measure the severity of a coma with the Glasgow Coma Scale (for adults) and the Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (for infants).

The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS)
Was widely used before other scales were developed and may still be referenced in some Traumatic Brain Injury literature. The categories of the original scale were as followed: dead, vegetative, severely disabled, moderately disabled, and good recovery. An extended version of the scale divided each of the last three categories in two, making a total of eight categories.

Boy Killed In San Jose, California Car Accident

Boy Killed In San Jose, California Car Accident

A family outing turned deadly for a San Jose family that lost its son in a car accident involving a teenage driver in Livermore, California on Saturday. The Alameda County Coroner has identified the boy as Jonathan Manzo.

Jonathan was in his mother's minivan, along with his sister and bother, with his mother driving. According to reports in the San Francisco Chronicle, the family was driving along in their Mercury minivan when a teenage motorist heading in their direction, attempted to over take another car. In doing so, the driver of that car, a Toyota Corolla, lost control of his vehicle, and veered into oncoming traffic, and the minivan. The van broadsided the Corolla, leaving the occupants, and especially Jonathan, with severe injuries.

Jonathan was airlifted to an Oakland hospital, along with one of his siblings. He died in the hospital from injuries sustained in the car accident. His mother, and the other sibling who was in the car, were hospitalized for their injuries. There's no information about their condition.

This is no doubt a terrible time for the Manzo family, and our hearts go out to the surviving members who have lost so much in this car accident.

The driver of the Toyota, a 17-year-old boy was also hospitalized for treatment of injuries he sustained in the crash. Alcohol is not suspected to be a factor in the accident.

Investigations are ongoing, and we will doubtless hear more details as the days go by. For instance, at what speed was the teen motorist driving? Was there reckless or aggressive driving involved? What about the possibility of street racing in this accident? A young boy has been killed, and the people in charge of driving him do not seem to have been at fault.

The Manzo family, including Jonathan's two siblings, continues to be in the hospital for treatment. They deserve to be compensated not just for their heart-breaking loss, but also their own trauma and injuries suffered as a result of this car accident. There are medical expenses involved, and loss of earnings that must be accounted for. The family must seek the advice of an experienced California car accident attorney as quickly as possible, to explore the legal avenues they have.

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Most Common Ab Exercise Mistakes To Avoid

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Most Common Ab Exercise Mistakes To Avoid

For some reason, many people commit these mistakes again and again whenever they do ab workouts (abdominal crunches in particular), unmindful of the unpleasant things that can result from the wrongs that they are doing. For one thing, executing an ab exercise the wrong way (or any exercise for that matter) reduces if not totally eliminates the effectiveness of the exercise. Another thing is that doing an exercise improperly can boost one's risks of suffering an injury. I'm sure you would agree with me that these things are no laughing matter.

Let's take a look at these common ab exercise mistakes...

Head Nodding

I'm sure you've seen people do this. Heck, you've probably even done this yourself for quite a while. Yes, instead of actually working your abs, you are mostly just nodding your head up and down with little to no actual movement on your abs to work the muscles there.

Well, unfortunately this practice is very common among beginners, and there are some so-called professionals who are guilty of this, too. The worst part is, they even go out boasting that they can do hundreds or thousands of crunches in one go.

Come on, you are supposed to be building muscles on your abs and not on your neck. When doing crunches, there should be very minimal or no movement at all on your neck.

Okay, aside from getting you nowhere in the abs department, nodding your head (instead of doing real crunches) does not really present any serious danger to your well-being except if you would accidentally slam your head hard on the floor as you go back down to the relaxed position. But when your hands and arms join in the fray, that's an entirely different story. Which leads us to the next most common mistake.

Arm Flapping

Surely you have seen people doing crunches (and sit-ups) with their hands behind their head. Nope, there is nothing wrong with that... that is if it's done correctly.

The problem is, when some people emulate/do this, they simply flap their arms up and down, with little to no actual movement on their abs. Now, I know it's obvious but flapping your arms works your shoulders, not your abs. I don't care if you can do a million of these, flapping your arms just won't do your abs any good.

And it gets worse. For some people, this practice doesn't only make for a really useless ab exercise, but it also subjects them to a much higher risk of suffering an injury. Why? How?

Well, crazy as this may sound, some people (many people, actually) pull on their head as they struggle to raise their upper torso from the ground. This, as you may already know, is very bad. Pulling on your head real hard can cause strain on the neck which could lead to neck/spinal injuries.


Some people think that more is better. And so, instead of doing crunches, they do sit-ups. Now, crunches and sit-ups are close cousins, but they are not the same. Crunches are specifically designed for the abdominal muscles while sit-ups (although they also work the abdominal muscles to some degree) are more for working the hips. That goes without saying that sit-ups are less effective in gaining abdominal muscles.

Cranking Up the Reps

Many people think that doing any sort of ab exercise can remove fat over the ab area. Well, it can't. There is no such thing as spot fat removal or spot fat reduction. In other words, you can't choose to lose fat only in specific parts of your body. When your body loses fat, it does it uniformly all throughout your body. And so, to reduce your pudgy belly, you must reduce fat from all over your body.

You can do crunches until you are blue in the face, but you are not going to get rid of that beer belly. Getting rid of that bulge on your tummy requires two things--good nutrition and lots of cardiovascular exercise. Through those you will gradually lose fat over your whole body and it will eventually come off of your stomach region, too.

If you're just trying to get rid of your beer belly, don't bother doing abdominal workout if that's the only thing that you are going to be doing. Instead, you'd be much better off if you'd go for a walk or a bike ride regularly.

Well, those are the most common mistakes that people do when performing abdominal crunches. Now, I'll tell you how to do them correctly, starting with the beginner crunch.

The Right Way To Do Crunches

You lie down on your back on the floor with your knees bent. You can have your hands down at your sides or you can put them over your waist, whichever you prefer. Then just move your shoulders up towards the ceiling. Keep in mind, it's your shoulders you're going to move towards the ceiling, not your forehead. This is the easiest way of doing crunches.

If you want to bring the difficulty level a notch higher, you can put your hands behind your head, just lightly supporting it. Your neck should feel no strain whatsoever. And while in that position, move your shoulders toward the ceiling. Be very careful not to pull on your head as you go up.

If you're wondering how having your hands behind you head makes for more difficult crunches. Well, it's because of the additional weight of your arms. When you have your hands down on your sides, there is lesser weight holding down your upper body.

To help you make perfect abdominal crunches, what you can do is to look at a fixed spot on the ceiling and point your nose at it. That way you won't be tempted to nod your head or flap your arms and pull on your head.

You can also use weights if you want to raise the difficulty level further. What you can do is to take a weight plate and hold it lightly behind your head so your head is just lightly sitting on top of the plate with no strain whatsoever on your neck. Then do the exercise as you would without the weight plate--shoulders up toward the ceiling.

So, that's how you do crunches correctly. No head nodding, no arms flapping, and no head pulling. Do it right and reach your goals faster. Good luck and stay safe.

Best Motocross Boots - Mx And Dirt Motorcycle Boots For Racing And Dirt Biking - What To Look For

Best Motocross Boots - Mx And Dirt Motorcycle Boots For Racing And Dirt Biking - What To Look For

Motocross boots do more than just look cool when you are blasting around the trails or hitting up the jumps on the track. Motocross footwear needs to have more protection, soles that grip foot pegs, absorb shock, and prevent your legs from hyperextension, much more than casual dirt biking boots. Motocross boots are more susceptible to rocks, debris, and as falls are regularity in racing, they need to be tough enough to withstand heat and a couple of hundred pounds of machine possibly landing on them. With innovative designs and seriously impressive technology, the best motorcycle boots for Motocross Racing and Dirt Bike Riding need to perform effectively, becoming an extension of your feet and legs, while offering the best protection from injury.

Dirt Motorcycle boots still need to offer protection but for the average user they need to have good thermal protection and be more comfortable. Exhaust burns and shin protection from the serrated metal foot pegs are of most importance. By looking for the top name brands that have been in the moto business for many years, you will know you are buying into their reputation of producing top quality incredible MX boots.

Boots for Dirt Motorcycle Riding and MX Boots Features

Both types of footwear require some form of protection. From the extreme strong toe to heel stamped steel shank to specially formed heel areas which are designed not to let the rear of the foot be twisted which can cause serious injury, for example from a heavy landing or if the bike runs over you. There needs to be sufficient thermal protection to prevent exhaust or engine casing burns which can strip skin with only the briefest of touches.

So much research and design go into producing motorcycle footwear that finding the best one to suit your needs is simple. If you are generally a dirt bike rider who hits the trails and prefers comfort, there are many boots available. Look for comfort, design, protection, and maneuverability. If you are into motocross racing you need to look for all of the above; comfortable full length boots that are lightweight yet super study, offer the best protection and ventilation, have strong buckles, ability to grip foot pegs, steel inserts and sections that can be replaced due to heavy use and wear.

What Protection Do Motocross Boots Give You?

Motocross boots not only give you the freedom to move your feet and lower legs, but they also offer supreme protection from roost that is kicked up when riding. Your toes and shinbone, the tibia, are very easily broken, especially as dirt bikes are becoming faster, the tires dig into the dirt easier which can cause larger stones to be fired back at you. Your heels and inner foot need protection from kick starting backlash or if you should slip off the foot-peg. By saving your feet and ankles, you can enjoy longer riding times and have fewer injuries. Should you have an accident and damage the boots, replacement buckles, straps, and plates are available for most top brand MX boots and moto footwear. Dirt bike boots need to be breathable and comfortable. They also need very good protection but comfort is high on the list of importance.

Who Makes the Top Dirt Motorcycle Boots and Motocross Boots?

Several top quality name brands are available by companies that have been producing all types of motorcycling and two-wheeled racing footwear for many years. Motocross Boots made especially for racing which are usually lightweight, seriously sturdy in design and yet highly protective can be had for less than five hundred. Dirt motorcycle boots for more casual riding are even less. You want to look for benefits and features that work for you especially if you race you might consider boots with superior buckles and protection from steel inserts and replaceable sections for the areas which are worn out quickly. Ones that utilize the latest technology to create an off road boot with an aggressive look, but at the same time being comfortable to wear and technically able to give the highest level of performance. Others made by a company based in Italy offer a Dual Stage Pivot System, front plate shin guard, gaiter, buckle system, grip guard, heel cup, toe box, and plush memory cell foam interior, all premium features suited for motocross racing.

A favorite of many racers and riders for MX boots are full-length dirt boots that have supreme comfort levels which include major protection and ventilation to allow the feet to breathe. They offer an extraordinary external structure and feature low profile design to minimize weight at the lower section of the boot and an upper design developed for controlled flexibility, streamlined profile, and superior grip against your bike. Innovative inner bootie provides the ultimate in support and safety. Therefore, boots with more features are a bit higher priced.

MX boots are an essential part of full protective gear, every bit as important as your helmet for your head or neck and chest protectors. Invest in the best boots you can afford, top quality MX boots offers low cost insurance protection against possible injuries. Shopping for motocross gear and motocross boots has never been this easy once you know what to look for and where to get it.

Benefits Of Hgh For Athletes

Benefits Of Hgh For Athletes

As the medical field continues to make advances in the uses of various treatments, it's important to keep up with the field to understand the treatments that can benefit you most. From treating common ailments to debilitating diseases, it's crucial to keep track of advances in medicine to take full advantage of the ways in which you can improve your life. One of the biggest advances in the realm of anti-aging and enhancement properties is HGH treatment. Human Growth Hormone is a naturally occurring growth hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. The deficiency of said hormone can cause many problems, some of which can be debilitating, or even life threatening.

As you age, your body's production of HGH slows naturally, causing more rapidly progressing aging and other nagging symptoms. The hormone's original medical uses were in treating growth disorders in children, but has been found to be useful in many other ways. For many years, athletes have found the treatment to be helpful in stimulating muscle growth and improving muscle mass, as well as improving stamina. Power sports, bodybuilding, baseball, and other strength sports have benefitted from its use, although most professional associations have banned it along with anabolic steroid use.

HGH also improves overall appearance by reducing the amount of fat and increasing lean muscle mass, resulting in weight loss. It can also improve skin tone and texture, improve injury resistance, and improve overall performance, making it beneficial for a variety of athletic and sports-related uses. It has been thought to cause an increase or improvement in muscle strength capabilities, but studies have shown that the hormone makes muscles more visible without changing their strength capabilities. That fact makes it more accepted overall than the use of products like anabolic steroids.

By affecting the connective tissues within the muscles, HGH also can improve injury resistance, which is thought to be the greatest benefits to athletes. It is also thought to improve recovery from fatigue, making performance levels higher during crucial sporting events. Understanding the ways in which Human Growth Hormone can help you can offer many benefits for athletes and active people alike. With the addition of anti-aging properties and other benefits, more people are turning to this type of hormone replacement therapy to improve their lives and their appearance. Whether you have a medical condition that causes a deficiency of this hormone or it is simply depleted due to the natural aging process, replacement therapy can benefit you in many ways.

Backyard Playground Safety - Part 2: Selecting The Best Protective Playground Surface

Backyard Playground Safety - Part 2: Selecting The Best Protective Playground Surface

The protective playground surface is the most frequently overlooked component of home playground safety. While approximately 80% of public playgrounds have some type of shock-absorbing protective surfacing under playground equipment, only 9% of home backyard playgrounds do, according to a 2001 playground injury study performed by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC). The study found that, of the approximately 50,000 injuries per year associated with home backyard playground equipment, 69% of the injuries were a result of falls to a non-protective surface below the equipment.

Perhaps the most familiar backyard playground surface options are grass and dirt, but neither surface adequately protects children against serious injury due to falls, even falls that occur from 30 inches or less above the ground. Fractures of the arms and hands, and cuts and bruises of the head and face are the most often reported injuries that result from a child falling from playground equipment to a non-protective playground surface such as grass or dirt, as reported by the CPSC.

The good news is that a variety of protective surfaces exist that can fulfill a homeowner's need for playground safety. Not surprisingly, playground surface options range in cost from reasonable to pricey, and each option has its own list advantages and disadvantages. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each type of playground surface material, as presented in this article, should provide you with enough information to choose the most appropriate playground surface for your backyard playground.

The first and most vital piece of information to know before selecting a material to use for your protective playground surface is the critical height of the playground equipment. Critical height refers to the "maximum fall height from which a life-threatening head injury would not be expected to occur." The critical height of your playground equipment equals the height (in feet) of the uppermost portion of your backyard playground equipment that is accessible to children. The protective playground surface you decide on for your backyard playground should be installed with a depth that is appropriate for your equipment's critical height.

The following information details the critical height (in feet) for each of the loose-fill surface materials described in this article "when tested in an uncompressed state at depths of 6, 9, and 12 inches. The [information] also shows the critical height when a 9 inch depth of each material was tested in a compressed state." For instance, if the critical height of your backyard playground equipment is 8 feet, then your options for protective loose-fill surface materials, according to the information below, would be 9 inches of compressed or uncompressed wood chips, 9 inches of uncompressed shredded bark mulch, 12 inches of uncompressed play sand, 12 inches of uncompressed pea gravel, or 6 inches of uncompressed recycled rubber mulch.

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 7 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 10 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = 11 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = 10 feet

*This product may also be referred to as Wood Mulch, but the term Wood Chips more accurately describes the product.

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 6 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 10 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = 11 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = 7 feet

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 6 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 7 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = >12 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = 6 feet

**This may also be referred to as Uniform Wood Chips, but, in the playground industry, the product is more commonly known as Engineered Wood Fibers.

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 5 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 5 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = 9 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = 5 feet

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 5 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 5 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = 6 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = 4 feet

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 6 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 7 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = 10 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = >6 feet

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 5 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = 5 feet
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = 6 feet
- Nine inch depth, compressed = 5 feet

- Six inch depth, uncompressed = 10-12 feet
- Nine inch depth, uncompressed = N/A
- Twelve inch depth, uncompressed = N/A
- Nine inch depth, compressed = N/A

***This data is from tests conducted by independent testing laboratories on a 6 inch depth of uncompressed shredded tire samples produced by four manufacturers. The test results reported critical heights which varied from 10 feet to greater than 12 feet. It is recommended that persons seeking to install shredded tires as a protective surface request test data from the supplier showing the critical heights of the material when it was tested in accordance with ASTM F1292.

Alternatives to loose-fill surface materials are rubber playground tiles, rubber mats, and poured-in-place playground surfaces. These choices are available from a number of manufacturers who may use a variety of shock-absorbing materials. The manufacturers should be able to provide you with test data that shows the critical height for the protective surfaces they offer.

Knowing some of the advantages and disadvantages of loose-fill surface materials will assist you in narrowing the choices to meet your particular needs. In general, loose-fill playground surface materials like wood chips, shredded bark mulch, pea gravel, play sand, and recycled rubber mulch are most often chosen for backyard playgrounds because they are inexpensive and readily available from a local garden center or home improvement warehouse. Recycled rubber mulch can also be found in a variety of colors and sizes through internet suppliers.


A retaining barrier of some kind is necessary to keep the surface materials from becoming displaced as a result of active play or weather conditions. In addition, loose-fill materials should never be installed on top of hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt. Lastly, good drainage beneath the protective surface is crucial.

Overall Advantages:

- The initial cost of installing a loose-fill playground surface under your backyard playground equipment is generally low because the materials are easy to find and are relatively inexpensive.

Overall Disadvantages:

- Over time, loose-fill materials can become compressed, thus lowering their protective capabilities.
- Recommended depths become compromised when active play or windy conditions displace the loose-fill materials.
- Debris such as broken glass, nails, and other sharp objects which can cause injury can be easily hidden by loose-fill materials.
- Continuous maintenance is required to maintain proper depth and to remove debris. Maintenance can include raking, sifting, grading, and leveling.
- Periodic renewal or replacement of loose-fill materials is necessary, which can require more time and money than expected. The exception to this is recycled rubber mulches - see below for further details.



- Wood chips and shredded bark mulch are not as abrasive as play sand.
- Animals are less likely to contaminate wood chips and shredded bark mulch.
- Wood chips and shredded bark mulch are attractive.


- The protective ability of wood chips and shredded bark mulch is reduced in rainy, humid, and freezing weather conditions.
- Over a period of time, wood chips and shredded bark mulch will become crushed, compacted, and will decompose.
- Wood chips and shredded bark mulch can grow fungus and mold when wet or moist.
- Insects are drawn to wood chips and shredded bark mulch.



- Pea gravel will not become crushed and decompose.
- Mold and fungus growth is not generally an issue.
- Animals and insects are less attracted to pea gravel.


- Pea gravel can be hard to walk on.
- The protective ability of pea gravel is reduced in rainy, humid, and freezing weather conditions.
- Pea gravel can be a falling hazard if displaced from the playground area to a nearby hard surface (sidewalk, decking, or patio, for example).



- Play sand will not become ground down and decompose.
- Mold and fungus growth is not generally a problem.


- Play sand can be difficult to walk on.
- The protective ability of play sand is reduced in rainy and humid weather conditions.
- Animals are attracted to sand unless it can be covered when not in use.
- Play sand adheres easily to shoes, clothing, and skin.
- Play sand can scratch floor surfaces if tracked inside.



- Recycled rubber mulch does not generally need to be replaced or renewed each year. Many manufacturers claim that rubber mulch can last approximately 50 years without requiring replacement. Check with recycled rubber mulch suppliers for any guarantees or warrantees that may be available.
- Rubber mulch tends to be cleaner and less likely than other loose-fill materials to produce dirty clothing, hands, and shoes during active play.
- Does not cause scrapes, scratches, or splinters from falls.
- Animals and insects are not attracted to rubber mulch.
- Mold and fungus growth is not an issue.


- Recycled rubber mulch may need to be raked periodically to maintain appropriate depths in high traffic areas.
- Colors on recycled rubber mulch may fade over time.


Rubber tiles, rubber mats, and poured-in-place surfaces are initially more expensive surface options than loose-fill materials, but they usually need little maintenance over time. To determine whether one of these options would be more cost effective than a loose-fill material, consider how many children might potentially use your backyard playground equipment and for how many years. Larger families, for example, may prefer to pay more at first for a surface that will be easier and much less expensive to maintain over many years of active use.


- No means of containment is usually necessary.
- Surfaces are wheelchair accessible and easy to walk on.
- Displacement of materials is not an issue, so the protective ability of these surfaces remains consistent even in high traffic areas.
- Surfaces require very little maintenance over time and are easy to clean.
- Debris such as broken glass and other sharp objects which can cause injury are not easily hidden in these surfaces.
- Animals and insects are not attracted to the surface materials.
- Mold and fungus growth is not an issue.


- The area under the surface usually requires special preparation. Contact the manufacturer or supplier for details.
- Surfaces may require professional installation.
- Rubber tiles may curl and cause tripping if not installed correctly.
- Some surfaces may be damaged by frost.

In summary, no protective playground surface of any type or depth can prevent all injuries. Nonetheless, installing a protective playground surface as the foundation for your backyard playground equipment is an important step in improving playground safety. The best playground surface for your needs is up to you, but whatever choice you make will be a significant step toward protecting the children who use your playground equipment from serious injuries due to falls to the surface.


CPSC Document 323. "Home Playground Safety Tips."
CPSC Document 324 "Outdoor Home Playground Safety Handbook." 2005.
CPSC Document 1005. "Playground Surfacing Materials."
CPSC Report. "Home Playground Equipment-Related Deaths and Injuries." July 2001.
CPSC Report. "Special Study: Injuries and Deaths Associated with Children's
Playground Equipment." April 2001.

Are Sit Ups Bad For Your Lower Back?

Are Sit Ups Bad For Your Lower Back?

Over the past years, full sit ups have fallen out of favor with personal trainers, and crunches have taken over as the most popular stomach exercise. The main reason crunches have taken over is the belief that full sit ups are bad for your back, and in this article we'll explore the difference between the 2 exercises.

The big difference between the 2 exercises is the joints that are involved. In crunches, only your spine moves; however, in sit ups your spine and your hips move. The hip movement is the big difference between the exercises.

The muscles that move the hips during sit ups are the hip flexors. The hip flexors attach to the lower back and the pelvis. When the hip flexors contract, they add pressure to the lower back, but this is a normal biomechanical process. The problem occurs when the lower back is irritated or injured because extra pressure from the hip flexors may increase discomfort.

When you think of any exercise, you must weigh the benefit versus the risk. Sit ups serve a very significant benefit for athletes. They are a great exercise for abdominal strength, and they train your body through its full range of motion. Athletes in running, jumping, and throwing sports can improve their performance by including sit ups in their workouts.

However, for non-athletes or people with lower back problems the risk of injury might outweigh the benefit. If you have poor flexibility, bad posture or alignment, weak abdominal muscles, weak back muscles, a previous injury to the back, or poor exercise technique sit ups may pose a higher risk of injury.

The truth is that sit ups are not bad for your lower back. Previous Injury, bad flexibility, poor posture, weak back muscles, weak abdominal muscles, and poor exercise technique are bad for your back.

Crunches work the abdominal muscles really well without putting too much compression on the joints of the lumbar spine, and when the feet are placed on a bench or ball during crunches there is slightly less pressure on the lumbar spine. But crunches on the floor are also flawed because they utilize very little range of motion.

In order to maximize functional strength, you should strive to exercise your joints through as much range of motion as possible while keeping good form and avoiding pain. A great exercise for the abdominals is crunches on a stability ball. Crunches on a ball work your abs through a greater range of motion than when done of the floor, and since they don't involve the hip flexors there is less pressure on the lower back than full sit ups.

Hopefully, that gives you a little more of a perspective about the difference between sit ups and crunches. Before beginning any exercise program, you should consult with a health care professional. If you ever feel discomfort when you're exercising, that's also a sign you should consult with a professional.

Www Vs No Www - An Seo Perspective

Www Vs No Www - An Seo Perspective

There is a lot of chitter-chatter about whether or not to include the "www" portion of web addresses. Since sub-domains are becoming increasingly popular and recognizable, the use of the www in domain names has come under a little bit of scrutiny over the past year or so.

There are people that passionately believe that the www is a waste. Why use a www subdomain when you don't have to? After hearing a lot of differing opinions, we decided to take a look at why you would (or wouldn't) use the subdomain www in your urls.

Since we are an SEO company, we looked first at what Google says about it. Matt Cutts described it best when he demonstrated that every instance of a domain is treated differently. In the example, he cited , , , etc. are all treated as separate "pages" and attract links and PageRank individually. Most people tend to link to the www version of an address because it has been that way for so long. Taking this into consideration, you might argue that you want to keep the www in the domain. Matt Cutts addressed this as well, and noted that if you decide to choose not to use the www, then you should do a 301 redirect from the www version () of your domain to the root domain () in order to get credit for links and PageRank that go to the www domain.

Since you can control which version shows up, and which version accumulates links and PageRank, then logically, you can choose which one to use. Be careful to set up your 301 redirects (permanent redirects) and to set the preferred domain in your Google Webmaster Tools though. As long as you pick one and stay with it, everything will work correctly.

Our official stance - we decided this year to keep the www in our domain, and the domains we build. We set up the appropriate measures in Webmaster Tools and with our 301s to cover our bases. This makes it a little less confusing when we build multiple subdomains such as , , or . There is a lot of flexibility around this issue, as long as you make sure to funnel traffic, links, and PageRank to the domain instance that you are using. I would advise against going from one version to the other since the www version of your site and the non-www version will be treated as completely different. And, considering most links do have the www in them, we think it is worthwhile to use the instance of our domain people will be most familiar with.

If you are building a new domain or are thinking about redeveloping your existing one, be sure to think about the impact that a major change will have on your domains authority and rank with the search engines. It takes a lot of effort and link building to get results, so be sure to take the right steps and ensure that your domain's value is protected.

Utilizing Search Engines Through Seo Manipulation

Utilizing Search Engines Through Seo Manipulation

Consider the case of Mr. X who decides to increase his company's brand presence and consumer awareness over the net. So, he gets a web site made for this very purpose. But then, nobody knows about this little development that has occurred. As a result of this, the website gets lost into the oblivion of a massive search engine like Google. Hence, what Mr. X's website needs is a visibility boost. This is where a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can utilize various aspects of the search and rank parameters of the engine to boost the presence of Mr. X's website. This means manipulation of the website characteristics in order to search optimize it.

The first and most basic technique is website structuring. A well structured website will have simpler codes making it easy for search engine spiders to index and rank it. So, start by applying headers and sub headers. Avoid using Flash images as they can get confusing for search engine crawlers. Instead, try ALT tagging your images. Also, if your website uses dynamic web pages, then remove any session IDs as they do no good to your site ranking. Another area of significance is titling and Meta Links. Meta Tags are the lifeline of any SEO manipulation as they give info on keywords and page summary. So, if you have a proper title for each page along with organized, specific and tight content in small paragraphs, then they turn into effective Meta Data. Also, if you could have different Meta Data for different pages, then that would amp the indexing for every single web page.

Another manipulation technique is acquisition of inbound links. Now, every time you combine your website link to other social sites, they produce special links to your web pages that directly land a visitor onto that page. These are known as Back links also. When back links are generated from respectable sources, they enjoy higher rankings due to the popularity of the link generating site. As a result, these extra links give your website some very appreciable traffic (visitors). 'Link farming' is a manipulation method through which you buy links for your site from other places. The fact is that somebody else has already established a bunch of well ranked back links. All you do is buy link(s) from the party and combine them to your website. While the concept of back links remains the same, the manner of directly acquiring a well indexed back link without having to work for it is the only difference.

Then there is a more devious manipulation method called 'cloaking', that presents one page to the search engine and another to the visitor. By doing so, you are either cheating the search engine or the visitor. Either ways, this risky and unnecessary method yields higher rankings in certain cases. Nevertheless, good content, clear code and great back links are all that you need for an effective SEO. While optimization should be the goal of any website builder, he/she should try and refrain from over optimizing as it could lead to serious consequences.

Top 5 SEO Mistakes

Top 5 SEO Mistakes

This article covers what could be considered to be the top 5 mistakes businesses make when it comes to their Search Engine Optimization strategies.

SEO is a very complex area and many companies often squander a lot of money with companies who promise a number 1 spot on Google or Bing, but who fail to deliver on that promise. The main reason for this is that it really is hard to achieve that number one spot that we all strive for. However, with some hard work, dedication and plenty of keyword research it can be done. So, first of all, what are those top 5 SEO mistakes?

1. Using the same title/meta tag for pages with different content

When Google, Bing and other Search Engines trawl the web looking for pages to rank one of the first things that gets looked at is the title and meta tags. The title tag appears within the header code and shows at the top of the web page for the end user. The title tag needs to tell the search engine what the page is about. Using a title such as "Home" does not provide the information needed to rank your page appropriately. Try to be imaginative and give accurate descriptions for each page.

2. Keyword stuffing

One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking that they can load their page with keywords to cover everything their business and website do and offer and even some things they don't do in the hopes that they will still get additional exposure under those keywords.

Sadly this is not the case and in actual fact can work against you. As with the title/ meta tags, your SEO will be greatly helped by choosing a few keywords relevant to each page rather than filling the page with hundreds of them. Do your keyword research and pick the right ones for your pages.

3. Reciprocal Links

A little knowledge can be dangerous and that's certainly the case when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. Another common mistake is learning that inbound links to your site get you better recognition from Google and Bing etc.

This is true up to a point but the inbound links must be quality links from articles or sites that find your website useful. It is no longer enough to ask one company to link to your site and vice versa as Google places less emphasis on reciprocal links nowadays.

4. Duplicate content

Time and again, websites copy content from other sites and duplicate it on their own websites. This is a sure-fire way to ensure your Google rankings go down and it makes your SEO job much harder if this happens. Try to put fresh, original content onto your site and don't copy and paste from others.

5. Flash websites

Flash is a great media tool but is not well suited to Search Engine Optimization. Its perfectly acceptable to incorporate some flash into a site but if your whole website is produced in this format it is very difficult for Google and Bing to index your site and provide an accurate ranking. Where possible stay away from an all Flash website or your SEO results will be poor.

There are many other aspects to SEO that we have not touched on here but this should give you a good foundation for getting Google and Bing to rank your website accurately.

SEO Trendz 2013

SEO Trendz 2013

SEO Trendz 2013

The world of SEO is an ever changing one, keeping on trend is often pretty hard - but vitally important. Below are some facts and figures that show why it is so important to keep up to date:
• Around 80% of those actively searching the internet use natural listings rather than paid or sponsored ones
• 450 million internet users worldwide perform around 13 billion searches each month
• Search engines account for 90% of new visitors to a website
• 43% of people who bought from an online retail site arrived via search engines
• 44% of internet users find new websites through search engines.
This article aims to give some predictions of the SEO trends for 2013, so it would be appropriate to tell you a few of the highlights from last year's SEO trends:
• Mobile search has increased significantly: due undoubtedly to the ease and convenience of searching on your mobile, but also the improvement and popularity of smartphones and tablets. Everyone I know has a smartphone (except, surprisingly my wife) and everywhere you look people are using them.
• Voice search emerged as a new search method: Suri and Google Voice have both gained popularity during 2012. I've used Suri, but I must admit I still have trouble getting it to understand my accent (I'm frightfully northern don't you know).
So, what are my predictions for 2013?
• Press releases will become as important as blogging: press releases are already becoming very important as they can easily convert targeted traffic and appeal to a wide-variety of media channels. Both of these factors help to bring the company using them more credibility.
• Social Media will still influence search engine performance, however two of the social media giants; Facebook and Twitter are both reducing the amount of data given to third parties. Rumors are that Facebook will be releasing their own search engine soon - watch this space.
• Google+ will play a bigger and bigger role in SEO. There have been a few teething problems, but these have been sorted and it is fast becoming big competition for the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Initiatives such as Author Rank mean that this channel will become even more important to search engine ranking, especially Google (unsurprisingly).
• Organic search marketing will become more prominent, due to the majority of sales coming from organic search results, which leads on to the next prediction...
• Humanized ranking will be relied on more. Google has said that they are going to start using social media for human relevancy and give people more “real time” search results. Therefore blogs, press releases, regularly updated social media and fresh, relevant content is going to become even more important.
• Title tags and headings will stay as important as ever, playing an even bigger role in the way that your post and website will be ranked in search engines. Google wants to see more focused content or keyword based content within the title tags and headings.
• Blogs and articles will have to get longer - expect to read (or indeed, write) blog posts that are at least 600 words long.
I, for one, am excited about search in 2013. It will be great to get back to generating and disseminating high quality content - trends that will be music to the ears of marketers, PR professionals and journalists out there.

Seo Companies In London – Reliable Seo Services

Seo Companies In London – Reliable Seo Services

The world is developing tremendously and urbanisation is moving at an all-time high. There is a parallel development in the field of information and technology too which plays a great role in the urbanisation process. Along with all these, the population is also increasing at a very brisk rate thus leading to over-population and it's after effects such as unemployment, overuse of resources etc. are showing up. A lot of new job openings are being created to cater to the needs of the unemployed people and help them in securing a job to help their families financially. But, these new job openings are not enough to find a complete way out of the unemployment problem that has been taunting most countries around the world.

As said above, there is very vast development in the arena of internet and this has led to considerable amount of job opportunities. There are many internet related jobs such as web server maintainers, SEO jobs, web designers, penetration testers, website managers, website programmers, advertisers, internet marketing, data entry jobs, graphic designing etc. Out of all these, there are both formal as well as informal jobs which give regular income to the workers. One important thing to note is that most of the internet jobs such as SEO jobs are part time jobs and do not require much of your quality time.

There are many companies that provide services such as SEO London. SEO stands for search engine optimization and the work is related to designing and giving unique contents to website so that they can perform well in search engine and thus the website gets more revenue. The extra revenue is distributed among different SEO workers of the specific website. These UK based companies provides large number of SEO job opportunities. These firms see huge profits through these processes.

Each service in these SEO firms is done by groups of specialised and trained workers. Though the job is easy, workers are selected after strict interviews and intense scrutiny of the person's skills and abilities. These SEO firms have regular clients from places all around the globe. Also, they provide a unique tool to their customers – Content Management Software (CMS) using which they can manage and edit the contents of their website.

Most of these SEO companies guarantee quality work and timely submission of all projects. Reviews from their regular clients suggest that these firms are very reliable and try to provide the best possible service. Interested clients and job seekers shall contact these firms using their official website or by visiting various branches situated throughout UK.

Mobile SEO Optimization | Pearllike Technology

Mobile SEO Optimization | Pearllike Technology

Importance of SEO Optimization:
A magnificent mobile website is not enough. Sanctioning that potential customers find your business on the Internet is of critical importance and Search Engine Optimization is a technique designed to do just what customer wants. Mobile SEO optimization has brought a drastic change in everyone's life due to its smartness and density. People can use it anywhere in the world including far places where TV and radio can't reach. They can take updates themselves through mobile simply and watch news online. SEO provides Google, yahoo, social media marketing, business blogging, conversion web development, mobile website, mobile search and many more other facilities. With the help of mobile seo optimization now people can easily stay connected through emails and chatting. SEO optimization has connected the world through its fabulous services including chat messenger. We know that in today's era searching is now a necessity of not only individual but each and every firm as well as organizations. Typically, search engine optimization is the process of optimizing a website for Internet search engines for the purpose of high page rankings for a specific industry's key terms.
Mobile users and Desktop surfers:
Mobile users search in a different way as compared to desktop surfers and usually ask very specific questions that SEO optimization provide them immediately. Mostly people frequently access social media through mobile for optimizing social media which existence has a collaborative effect with mobile website optimization.
Content of Mobile SEO Optimization:
The content of a mobile SEO plays a vital role in determining how well it will rank with the search engines of other companies. Consequently the content must be augmented for specific keywords and closely related terms. Identification of suitable keywords is critical before augmenting the website content and it will entail more analysis.
Easy to access:
The density of mobile SEO optimization makes it easier for every individual to do his work on time accurately and swiftly. Mobile internet users are increasing expeditiously at a fast rate. Due to the density and availability of mobile friendly websites, SEO are now very easy to access for everyone. People are using mobile as a tool of search engine and do most of their office work on mobile online. It is much easier to carry smart phone anywhere and work on time because of these mobile friendly websites which provide immediate information to its users. The aim of mobile search engine optimization is to produce measurable results which generally mean to increase customer website traffic. Mobile friendly websites has made the approachability of material so easy for its users that in no time people can search anything at any time and at any place. It provides the prodigious quality and inspiring users' experience.
Competition among companies:
Many companies have started to make marketing strategies for their mobile friendly websites. They are competing among each other to provide better quality to its users. Due to such competition mobile users are getting more benefits from different new innovations and ideas. The density and availability of SEO makes the engine more useful for the users and facilitate them through its marvelous services. Mobile users are significantly increasing at a fast rate day by day due to which websites must also need to be updating their content on daily basis. Boosting websites for mobile browsers and its evolution are now taking the center stage of whole world and people are getting more and more familiar with it. Due to such inspired and creative use of mobiles among users, companies are generating glorious ostensible and implausible revenues. SEO optimization's density compact all the needed information at a same place which is very beneficial and expedient for its users and save their lot of time. Seo experts understand the significance of mobile-specific search expressions as well as classes and taste of their target audience so they develop it according to their will.
To summarize the discussion now we know that mobile seo optimization is becoming a basic necessity of every individual no matter in what part of world they are. As mobile seo optimization has reached each corner of the world. Mobile SEO optimization provides a platform to its users to subscribe the site easily and more accurately.

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Pearllike Technology